Saturday, July 26, 2008

Twin Cities Announces Bike & Walk Projects

Bike Walk Twin Cities Announces Projects
in Falcon Heights, Minneapolis, Richfield, Roseville and Saint Paul

Drivers Move Over: Cyclists and Pedestrians to Have Priority on New Bike Walk Streets

Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians prepare for a new way to share your turf. Twin Cities cyclists and pedestrians will soon have priority on new bike walk streets to be built in the metropolitan area.

Contacts: Katie Eukel, Transit for Livable Communities -651.767.0298, Ext. 115
Dawn Erlandson - 612.871.2786 or Cathy Kennedy - 612.309.395

So where is your community???

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Google Transit

I just learned of a Google Transit that allows you to plan city trips step by step. You tell it where you are and where you want to go. It then steps you through where the nearest bus stops, etc to get to your destination.

The only problem is that Duluth is the only Minnesota city to be included. Maps have not been uploaded for the Twin Cities.

You can find it if you just Google Transit.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wells Fargo 79th Xerxes -Bloomington, Mn

I was going by the Wells Fargo bank about a week ago and their automatic sprinklers were going off watering their nice green grass. Perhaps they should think of a landscape change to prarie grass or something that would not take automatic watering.