Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bloomington Sustainability Ideas

From: Terry R. Houle
June 17, 2007

To: Concerned Bloomington Citizenry

RE: Sustainability in Bloomington

Following are some brainstorming ideas for Bloomington, MN to become a more sustainable and caring community. Some ideas may already of been started, or implemented to some degree. These can possibly be improved upon or more widely publicized so the citizenry is aware of them.
This list is derived from input of various caring voters. It will be added to and re-distributed.

∑ Using solar panels

∑ Buying hybrid vehicles,

∑ Discontinuing irrigation,

∑ Fertilizers and pesticides,

∑ Installing green roofs,

∑ Utilizing pervious parking lots in our parks,

∑ Buying better street sweepers that pick up the "fine particles" to prevent phosphorous-rich silt from getting in our lakes,

∑ Educating residents about rain gardens and establishing a test site in our parks.

∑ Since Gov. Pawlenty is all over global warming issue with a committee and legislation, possibly the city can just adopt state's initiatives and use those as guidelines for CO2 reduction?

∑ The city website on Environment is very lacking
Create one on sustainability as kind of one stop shopping and let people know ideas and what the city is doing

∑ Don’t believe Sustainability Metrics have been added to city web site.
-City should set example-Goal is 80% reduction by 2050.

∑ Create a permanent subcommittee on sustainability

∑ Make it tactical goals that need implementation NOW and not 2030.

∑ Consider trolley lines that can be established more quickly than a light rail.

∑ More buses across town to get you to a transit hub or transfer point.

∑ Expanded use of BE Line, or equivalent.

∑ Park and Ride lots like the one along 494 in front of Best Buy Headquarters.

∑ Work with the voters vs. developers.

∑ No more buildings approved until the transportation infrastructure is in place first.

∑ Sustentative bikeways that are not just for recreation.

∑ Use like other cities (Mpls/Shoreview…) to push info to people rather than having a pull approach.


Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group

Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group
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